What is a transmission belt cloth

Release time:2023-11-26

Drive belt fabric: the heart of industry

In our daily lives, there is a material whose name may not be familiar to most people, and it is the transmission belt fabric. Although it may not be prominent in our daily lives, it plays a crucial role in the engine of cars, various mechanical equipment, and even in our daily lives. Today, let's delve deeper into this material, which is known as the heart of industry.

What is a drive belt cloth?

Drive belt fabric is a special industrial fabric mainly used for manufacturing drive belts. A transmission belt is a closed strip product made of rubber, with a smooth outer surface and many regular toothed protrusions on the inner surface. In the engine of a car, the transmission belt plays a role in transmitting kinetic energy, allowing various parts of the engine to work together.

Types of transmission belt fabric

According to the structure of the belt body and the belt core, the transmission belt fabric can be divided into the following categories:

1.Wrap type: This type of transmission belt fabric has a wrap on the outer layer, which can provide additional protection and wear resistance.

2. Edge cutting: This type of transmission belt fabric has a cutting surface on the side, which means there is no wrapped fabric, providing better flexibility and adaptability.

3. Cord core: This type of transmission belt fabric uses cord fabric as a strong layer, which can provide good strength and tensile resistance.

4. Rope core: This type of transmission belt fabric uses rope as the strong layer, which can provide extremely high strength and tensile resistance.

Application of Transmission Belt Cloth

Drive belt fabric has a wide range of applications in many industrial fields. In the automotive manufacturing industry, transmission belt fabric is used to manufacture engine transmission belts, playing a role in transmitting kinetic energy. In mechanical equipment, transmission belt cloth is used to manufacture various transmission belts, which are used to transmit power and drive machine operation. In addition, transmission belt fabrics are also used to manufacture various industrial belts, such as conveyor belts, belts, etc., which play a crucial role in various industrial production lines.

In China, some companies specialize in producing transmission belt fabrics, such as Wujiang Haijiao Industrial Cloth Co., Ltd. Their products include nylon stretch fabric, polyester cotton fabric, padding, and other industrial fabrics. These products have undergone strict quality control and testing to ensure their performance and quality.


The transmission belt fabric, which appears to be an ordinary industrial fabric, actually plays a crucial role in our daily life. It is like the heart of industry, silently playing its role in every corner, making our lives more convenient. Let's pay tribute to these silently dedicated drive belt fabrics!

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