Industrial filter cloth manufacturer: What is industrial filter cloth

Release time:2023-11-08

Industrial filter cloth manufacturer: What is industrial filter cloth(图1)

Industrial filter cloth is an important filtering medium widely used in solid-liquid separation and gas-solid separation processes. They have a wide variety of materials and unique characteristics. This article will delve into the types, materials, and characteristics of industrial filter fabrics.

The type of industrial filter cloth mainly depends on its weaving method and material. According to the weaving method, industrial filter cloth can be divided into monofilament filter cloth, multifilament filter cloth, double-layer filter cloth, non-woven filter cloth, and industrial filter belt. These different weaving methods determine the strength, elongation, breathability, and thickness characteristics of the filter fabric.

The materials of industrial filter cloth mainly include natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Natural fibers such as cotton, hemp, and wool are generally used at lower temperatures than synthetic fibers, and their chemical properties are not as good as synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers such as polyester, polyacrylonitrile, nylon, polyester, acrylic, etc. have better temperature resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, and wear resistance than natural fibers.

The characteristics of industrial filter cloth mainly depend on its material and weaving method. For example, polyester industrial filter cloth has high strength, excellent wear resistance, less elongation, and good acid resistance, mainly used for high-temperature gas filtration. Polypropylene industrial filter cloth is lightweight and easy to handle, with good acid and alkali resistance, but easy to age. It is mainly used for refining dyes and pigments, filtering clay, ceramic clay, chemical drugs, etc. Vinylon industrial filter cloth has good alkali resistance and poor temperature resistance, and shrinks when wet, especially when heated. It is mainly used for filtering dyes, pigments, ceramic clay, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Industrial filter cloth is an important filtering medium, and its different types, materials, and characteristics make it play an important role in various industrial processes. Choosing a suitable industrial filter cloth can improve filtration efficiency, reduce production costs, and protect the environment. Therefore, understanding the types, materials, and characteristics of industrial filter fabrics has important guiding significance for the selection and use of industrial filter fabrics.

  • business address one:No. 3, Futai Road, Lancun Town, Jimo District, Qingdao, Shandong business address two:No. 99, Fengjin Road, Shangma Street, Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong

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